sábado, 14 de agosto de 2021


APRONAD develops the Project: "Panama Forests Conservation Project Reduction of GHG Emissions Through Deforestation and Avoided Degradation", an alliance of Indigenous Peoples and Rural Communities of Panama, The Project provides benefits such as mitigation against climate change by reducing emissions of GHG from unplanned deforestation that occurs due to historical and social factors; that contributes to the conservation of biodiversity, including the High Conservation Values related to the Protected Areas determinAed by the Panamanian State, and the promotion of sustainable development of local communities.
This project has been registered in VERRA (verra.org), under the VCS v4.0 standard, VCS Methodology VM0015 v1.1, CCB Standards Third Edition and is awaiting verification by AENOR. This project is expected to generate benefits for:
a) the protection of approximately 61,707.41 ha. of primary and secondary forests during the useful life of the project, located in the Protected Areas and their buffer zones. The project would prevent the release into the atmosphere of 11,195,383.00 tCO2e of GHG emissions in 30 years, with an annual average of 198.22 Ton / Co2e per hectare, and
b) forge a strategic alliance between indigenous peoples and peasants and agro-industrial companies, around the conservation of forests, helping to consolidate environmental governance.

APRONAD offers interested companies to compensate through this project, a total of 6,505,562.06 tons of CO2 not verified, corresponding to the year 2020, for a value to be agreed.

This project is in the verification process and will be certified in 2022, including CO removals for the period beginning in 2017 and until 2046.

For more information:
Francisco Rivas email apronad@gmail.com