miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

The Crisis of Solid Waste in Panamá

Chaos and anarchy institutional 

  • Municipalities across the country with the exception of Panama City scavenge but are not authorized to do so. 
  • Responsible for the collection is a national organization called Urban Household Cleaning Authority AAUD for its acronym in Spanish but only performs in the capital city. 
  • Harvesting in intermediate cities is a monopoly of foreign companies Colón San Miguelito Arraiján La Chorrera.
  • Recycling is a thriving and profitable business but ethically unacceptable disadvantage socially environmentally unsustainable. No there any type of legal regulation. 
  • There is an entrenched culture of non- payment of tax collecting garbage.
 Learn more!!:  The Crisis of Solid Waste in Panama

Francisco Rivas

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